Dracula– two versions


dracula 1Just in time for Halloween, the Hippodrome brings you a story you think you knew… until now!  In the Hipp’s Dracula the audience members will be immersed in a world of danger, lust and temptation as they witness an epic battle of good versus evil with only one possible outcome.

The young solicitor Jonathan Harker travels to Transylvania for work, but after meeting Count Dracula and his lovely Vampyrettes, he begins to lose his sanity. Back in England, he finds himself in Dr. Seward’s asylum providing clues about Count Dracula for Seward, Professor Van Helsing, and the boisterous American Quincey Morris. They must also try to save the bitten Lucy’s soul while Mina fights strange temptations.



Dracula was also presented on the Hippodrome State Theatre Stage in 2005, albeit a more traditional version….and when Dracula was being portrayed by a character with the last name of “Bloodworth,” let’s just say the audience experienced some chilling moments.