Category: Features

Artificial Reef Construction

In an effort to increase fish populations off the coast of Tampa/St. Pete in Florida, city leaders have supported taking old concrete construction material from builders to create artificial reefs.  Donna Green-Townsend looks at the program’s success.

Bat Dilemma at UF

  Lake Alice on the University of Florida campus presently serves as home to a number of species of fish and wildlife, including bats.  UF has two bat houses directly across from Lake Alice on Museum Road. In a feature originally produced and aired in 1990 on public television statewide, Donna Green-Townsend shares how the … Continue reading Bat Dilemma at UF

Wildlife Rehabilitation

When domestic animals such as dogs and cats get sick, there’s usually a pet owner around to foot the bill for the medical expenses and care for the pet once it goes home.  But when wild species get sick or injured, who handles their medical care?  Donna Green-Townsend reports on a unique cooperative effort between … Continue reading Wildlife Rehabilitation