Wisdom of the River by Mark Smith

I have seen a river, and a river has seen me
I have felt its current flowin’ to the sea
In its deep reflection are scenes from yesterday
The wisdom of the river is showin’ us the way
The landscape is the canvas…the water is the brush
Painting out a poem in the stillness and the hush
Then a whisper from a whirlpool takes a shadow for a ride
And the wisdom of the river has found its way inside
When the river talks I…wanna listen, wanna pay attention now, don’t be slow.
When the river talks I…wanna listen, cuz it might say something I wanna know
With skin of fluid motion, that paddle can caress,
It holds me like a lover unafraid to be undressed
With secrets barely hinted, not quite an open book
The wisdom of the river invites a closer look.
(repeat first verse)
Mark Smith, Used with permission
Raised on the St. Johns River and in the salt marshes of coastal Northeast Florida, Mark developed a passion for his native Florida at an early age. Always one to find a song in seemingly obscure moments or places, Mark brings the subtleties of Florida’s landscapes and history to life in his original music.
With three albums to his credit, Mark has toured Florida since 1992 performing at numerous established folk venues. He has appeared numerous times at the prestigious Florida Folk Festival in White Springs. He lives in Gainesville.
Mark Smith is accessible via email or regular mail at 2027 NW 56th Terrace / Gainesville, FL 32605.