Tag Archives: Aid for the Philippines

Tim Tebow Foundation Reaches Out To Typhoon Victims In The Philippines

Orphan2A massive international aid effort is beginning to take shape in the Philippines to help the 600,000 people displaced by last Friday’s typhoon.  The official death toll as of early afternoon (Wed., Nov. 13th) is up to 2,344 and is expected to rise.  Former Florida Quarterback and Heisman Trophy Winner Tim Tebow was born in the Philippines while his parents worked as missionaries there.  The Tim Tebow Foundation in partnership with CURE International, has been constructing an orthopedic hospital in Davao City.  The foundation is also working with the Bob Tebow Evangelistic Association on evangelism, church planting and orphan care ministries in the Philippines. WUFT’s Donna Green-Townsend talked with the Executive Director of the Tim Tebow Foundation, Erik Dellenback, about how they are responding to the crisis in the Philippines. Audio Player

The Tim Tebow Foundation has activated a donation link on its website that will collect funds specifically for the Philippines at www.timtebowfoundation.org or by mail to the foundation lockbox at Tim Tebow Foundation, 2209 County Road 210 W, Suite 108 PMB 329, Jacksonville, FL  32259.