Tag Archives: Sadie Darnell

Years After the Gainesville Student Murders The Community Still Remembers

Originally aired on WUFT in 2000

Five bouquets of flowers in front of the hand-painted memorial on the 34th Street Wall in Gainesville on Wednesday, August 28, 2013.

It’s now been 25 years since Danny Rolling terrorized the Gainesville Community when he killed five college students.  Many students have come and gone from Gainesville since that time, but residents will always remember what happened in August of 1990.  The 34th Street wall and markers in the palm trees in the thoroughfare are constant reminders of the tragic deaths of Sonja Larson, Christina Powell, Christa Hoyt, Tracy Paules and Manuel Taboada.

From her archives,  Donna Green-Townsend shares this report from 2000 on the 10th anniversary of the Gainesville student murders.